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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Carrot Cake Cookies Recipe


Get your glass of milk ready for these!

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Carrot Cake Cookies Recipe - (Cookies)

Ingredients: (Cookie)

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter or margarine
1 egg
1 cup carrots, cooked and mashed
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans

Directions: (Cookie)

Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. In a separate bowl, combine sugar, butter, egg, and carrots, mixing well. Stir the dry mixture into the sugar mixture. Add vanilla. Stir in nuts. Drop a well-rounded teaspoon about 2 inches apart on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until no imprint remains when touched lightly with a fingertip. Let the cookies cool. You don't want to overbake this soft cookie.

Ingredients: (Frosting)

3 cups powdered sugar
Grated rind of 1 orange
3-4 tablespoons orange juice

Directions: (Frosting)

Combine all the icing ingredients and mix them well. Frost the cookies with icing, and sprinkle the chopped pecans on the icing.

Thoughts On Carrot Cake Cookies:

I really enjoy carrot cake but I also love cookies and this carrot cake cookie recipe is the best of both. This cookie reminds me of carrot cake and that is why I titled it Carrot Cake Cookies. Warm cookies right out of the oven are the best. When you make this recipe it is difficult to have them warm because of the icing that is supposed to go on the cookie after it is cooled. If you know your microwave well you can warm the cookies just enough not to melt the icing but also make the cookies warm. If you don't want to do that you can just enjoy the cookies at room temperature. They will be good no matter what.

More Information On Carrot Cake Cookies:

National Carrot Cake Day is February 3rd. You can learn more interesting facts about carrot cake by visiting Mark this date on your calendar.

According to Melissa K. Norris, the Carrot Cookie originated during World War II and is considered a vintage recipe. The carrot cookie revived the carrot cake popularity in America.

Some Questions For You:

Do you prefer a carrot cake or a carrot cookie? Have you baked either one of these tasty treats? Did you see my last recipe? If you missed it, it is called White Texas Sheet Cake Easy Recipe and it is a popular dessert in Texas.

My Thoughts For The Day:

A curious food gift.

I was given this little cast iron skillet as a gift. All I need is 8 ounces of softened cream cheese and it makes about 2 skillets. I love food gifts like this. It's a cooking project that can be enjoyed. The directions say to clean the skillet and oil it like any other skillet. I don't know what I could do with a little skillet. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking I could use it to cook a single egg.

What is the most interesting food gift you have received? I once received a beer bread kit in a beer bottle with the recipe printed on the back. All I needed to do was add 1 beer, mix, and bake in the oven.

Keep on cooking!

Friday, May 17, 2024

White Texas Sheet Cake Easy Recipe


This Texas Sheet Cake is wonderful!

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White Texas Sheet Cake Easy Recipe - (Cakes)

Ingredients: (cake)

1 cup butter (melted)
1 cup water
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda

Directions: (cake)

Heat the 1 cup of butter. Mix all of the cake ingredients together. The Mix will appear runny. Bake at 375 degrees for 20-22 minutes.

Ingredients: (Icing)

1/2 cup butter (melted)
1/4 cup milk (warmed)
4 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon almond extract

Directions: (Icing)

Heat the butter and milk. Add the powdered sugar and almond extract. Mix well. Pour over hot cake. You can top with 1 cup of chopped nuts if desired.

Thoughts On White Texas Sheet Cake:

I spent my pre-teen years living in Texas and sheet cake was a popular dessert. Every time it was made I was sure to get a piece to enjoy. It didn't matter to me if it was chocolate, white, or if it had some type of nuts on top. I have good memories of my mother and grandmother making sheet cakes. The Texas sheet cake has quite a history and a very interesting one. Keep reading to learn more.

More Information On Texas Sheet Cake:

Did you know that Texas sheet cake is a popular dessert to bring to funerals? If you are from Texas you may already know this. Sheet cake recipes date back to 1936. You can learn more interesting facts about sheet cakes by visiting Southern Living's article called The History Behind Texas Funeral Cake.

Some Questions For You:

Have you made a White Texas Sheet cake before or tried it? If you have baked this sheet cake what event did you take it to, if you did? What is your flavor of sheet cake? Do you like nuts on top? If so, what kind of nuts do you prefer? Did you see my last recipe? It is called Cheesy Baked Potatoes Easy Recipe and if you like the sound of creamy, cheesy potatoes I know you will like my recipe.

My Thoughts For The Day:

Deer Summer Sausage

A great opportunity came my way when a friend of mine offered to share some deer summer sausage. I currently live in Southwest Missouri and we have plenty of deer here. Many people enjoy hunting for deer and eating venison in many different ways. This particular venison was made into summer sausage with peppercorn and mustard seed. My favorite deer summer sausage has cheese and jalapeno inside. Have you tried venison? What do you think of deer meat? If you have cooked venison please share your favorite way of cooking this lean meat.

Keep on cooking!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cheesy Baked Potatoes Easy Recipe


Cheesy and creamy!

>>>See all my recipes here!<<<

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Cheesy Baked Potatoes - (Main Dishes, Potato)


12 medium potatoes
8 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese
16 ounces sour cream
1 stick of butter
2 teaspoons garlic salt
2-3 cups shredded cheese (save 1 cup to top)


Peel and cook the potatoes until tender. Drain the water from the potatoes and mash them. Add the cream cheese, sour cream, butter, garlic salt, and 1/2 of the shredded cheese. Mix together well. Put the potato mix into a 13x9 greased pan, and refrigerate overnight. Add the remaining shredded cheese to the top. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Thoughts On Cheesy Potatoes:

If you have a craving for potatoes this recipe is the one! The potatoes are so creamy and cheesy, you will love them. I grew up in the midwest and mashed potatoes were always a part of a meal. We almost always had white or brown gravy with potatoes but when I first tried cheesy baked potatoes I could eat that as a main dish. There is something about letting the potato mix set in the refrigerator overnight that makes this recipe work so well. Chilling the potato mix allows everything in the recipe to settle and absorb with the potatoes to give it a creamy taste. It is delicious!

More Information For You:

Baked potatoes in general have a very interesting history. Did you know that in the United Kingdom, a baked potato is called a "jacket potato"? They were a very popular street food and were sold to common poor people. You can find more interesting facts about the baked potato by visiting the Happy Cow.

Questions For You Today:

Have you tried cheesy baked potatoes? If you haven't, you will love them if you are a fan of potato recipes. I admit I like to add salt to my cheesy potatoes. Did you see my last recipe? If you missed it, it is called Lemon Bars Easy Recipe and the lemon bars will serve as a great dessert after you enjoy the cheesy baked potatoes. 

My Thoughts For The Day:

Funny food meme a friend shared.

A friend shared this funny food meme and I had to share it with you. Have you tried cow tongue? When I was around 12 years old I tried cow tongue. My dad worked for a fence company in East Texas. He had a Hispanic coworker and we were invited to come over to eat and visit. It was a fun time and the aroma in the air of food cooking smelled wonderful. I remember being served cow tongue and at first I thought I didn't want to try it because it was a tongue. After a little convincing, I decided to taste my serving. I did like it but I haven't tried beef tongue since then. I have eaten many eggs though.

Keep on cooking!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Lemon Bars Easy Recipe


A great treat!

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Lemon Bars Easy Recipe - (Desserts)

Ingredients: (Crust)

3/4 cup powdered sugar
2 cups flour
2 sticks butter

Directions: (Crust)

Mix the powdered sugar, flour, and butter together. Spread the mix into a 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Ingredients: (Filling)

4 eggs
1 1/3 cup sugar
4 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup real lemon juice

Directions: (Filling)

Combine eggs, sugar, flour, and lemon juice in a mixing bowl. Beat for 2 minutes. Pour the filling over the crust and bake for 25 minutes. Let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Thoughts On Lemon Bars:

Anytime, I mean anytime these are presented to me I indulge myself. Lemon bars are really sweet and have a great lemon flavor. The powdered sugar sprinkled on top gives this dessert an added appeal. I know there are people that do not like the taste of lemons but that's fine for me. I will eat their portion of lemon bars any day. If you are looking for a dessert to share with someone, I would suggest you take these lemon bars. You can thank me later.

More Information For You:

Lemon bars are commonly seen in coffee shops. The contrast between the bar and coffee is a favored experience for many. The recipe for Lemon Bars is not that old. The first lemon bar recipe was published in 1962 by the Chicago Daily Tribune. In 1963 Betty Crocker jumped on the Lemon Bar recipe bandwagon and published a similar recipe. Learn more about this delicious dessert by visiting the article link.

Some Questions For You Today:

Have you tasted lemon bars, or baked lemon bars? If you have, what is your experience? Please let me know in the comment section below. Did you happen to see my last recipe? It is called Zucchini Bread Easy Recipe and it is a good recipe to try. When was the last time you baked a dessert?

My Thoughts For The Day:

Happy Gardens Facebook Food Meme

Here is another food meme I found on Facebook. It's a little coincidental because a friend of mine I work with brought some homemade bacon her father cooked. Honestly, some of the best foods are homemade in my opinion. The bacon had the best-smoked bacon flavor I have tasted. I am a huge bacon fan and like bacon with my bacon. I am not sure what business posted this sign but I am willing to say they serve some kind of bacon food.

Keep on cooking!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Zucchini Bread Easy Recipe


Great Zucchini Bread!

>>>See All My Recipes Here!<<<

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Zucchini Bread Easy Recipe - (Breads, Rolls)

Ingredients & Directions:

Mix together
1 3/4 cup sugar
1 cup Crisco Oil

Put in a blender & blend
2 1/2 cups Zucchini (peeled)
3 eggs

Mix together
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3 teaspoons vanilla

Alternate - flour & zucchini mix in sugar and oil.
Greased 2 loaf pans well.
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Thoughts On Zucchini Bread:

When I was a kid I was used to having lots of banana bread and one day I had zucchini bread offered to me. It looked so much like banana bread I was immediately interested how it tasted. The similarity between the two breads is difficult to ignore. Banana bread it slightly sweeter to me and it has a banana flavor. I love sweet breads so I naturally liked zucchini bread also. I like to put a little butter on the sweet breads that are fresh from the oven so the butter melts into the bread. My grandmother taught to me sprinkle a little salt on top of the melted butter. That is a nostalgic food memory for me.

More Information For You:

Zucchini bread has it's own national day in the United States and it is April 25th. Even though we are into May at this point in time you can still bake some zucchini bread to celebrate any occasion. The first time zucchini bread recipes began showing up in cook book was in the 1950's. You can learn more interesting historical facts about zucchini bread by visiting Holiday Calendar

Some Questions For You:

Have you baked zucchini bread in the past? Maybe your grandmother, mother, or aunt made a loaf for you to try. Do you have a nostalgic memory surrounding this bread recipe? Please share it with me. Did you see my last recipe? It's not a bread recipe to speak of but it is called Taco Burger Pizza Easy Recipe and if that sounds good to you the easy recipe will not dissapoint.

My Thoughts For Today:

Meme by Animal Feed on Facebook

I enjoy funny food memes I find across the Internet. I came across this meme and thought to share some thoughts on it. Life has a way of putting us through trials and tribulations. As we go through these trials we build up protective layers to guard us from potential threats that may come our way. It's good to learn from our experiences that make us better. Naturaly we want to prevent ourselves from going through the same mistakes again and again. We have only so many trips around the sun and while writing this I am aware that statement may sound negative but in my opinion I think life should be lived for the best. I would like to encourage you to keep love at the center of your life.

If someone has hurt you and you think there is a potential for them to hurt you again, of course avoid it at all costs to protect yourself, but try to find it in your heart to keep love at the center and not hate. Do I sound a little preachy here? It is only my intentions to encourage you for the better. I hope you find this food meme a little funny and get a positive message from it. If you've read my post this far, thank you. I hope this zucchini bread recipe and blog post brightens your day.

Keep on cooking!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Taco Burger Pizza Easy Recipe


Home Pizzeria!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Taco Burger Pizza Easy Recipe - (Main Dishes, Beef)


1 pound ground beef
1 package (1-1/4 ounce) taco seasoning mix
1/2 cup water
2 (8-ounce) cans of refrigerator biscuits
8 ounces can of tomato sauce
1/2 cup (6-ounce) shredded cheddar cheese


Grease a 12" pizza pan. In a large skillet brown the beef and drain. Stir in taco mix and water; simmer while preparing crust. Separate the dough into 20 biscuits. Press over the bottom and upside of the pan. Spoon hot meat over the crust. Spread tomato sauce over meat, and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Thoughts On Taco Burger Pizza:

Making homemade pizza is a fun cooking project to introduce cooking with children. It is quicker to grab a frozen pizza and just throw it in the oven but to make your own pizza at home will taste better too. You can add any toppings you like but most of all, when it comes to involving your children, they will always remember making pizza with you. This easy Taco Burger Pizza recipe is sure to provide memories for a lifetime.

More Information For You:

Taco Pizza is a great meal for pizza lovers if they love tacos. It is the perfect marriage of pizza and tacos. According to Wikipedia the owner of Happy Joe's invented the Taco Pizza. Learn more about Taco Pizza by visiting this link.

A Few Questions For You:

Do you like Taco Pizza? Do you like tacos? Have you tried Taco Pizza? If you haven't tried Taco Pizza I would like to encourage you to give this recipe a try. It has a great taco flavor you will enjoy. Did you miss my last recipe? If you missed it, it's called Heath Bar Cake Easy Recipe. Please let me know what you think of these recipes. I would love to hear from you.

My Thoughts For The Day:

Texas Fajitas - (video below)

It was a good Mother's Day yesterday. We celebrated at El Patron Mexican Grill in Seymour, Missouri. We had Texas Fajitas with queso, corn chips, and guacamole that was made fresh. The Texas Fajitas included chicken, beef, and shrimp. The atmosphere was very nice and they had plenty of decorations inside. The outside of the restaurant had a small decorative water mill. It didn't have water in it but it was very nice to look at. The tree outside next to the entrance had beautiful flowers on it. I created a video of our visit to El Patron on my YouTube channel called El Patron Mexican Grill Seymour Missouri that you can see. Remember to subscribe, like, and leave a comment on my video. I would recommend this Mexican restaurant for you to try.

I love dining out and trying different places. I will leave reviews for you to see. If you have been to El Patron Mexican Grill please feel free to leave your review of the restaurant here.

Keep on cooking!

>>>See all my recipes here!<<<

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*See our Privacy Policy about this content.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Heath Bar Cake Easy Recipe

Do you like Heath Bar? You'll love this cake!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Heath Bar Cake Easy Recipe - (Cakes)


1 angel food cake (ready-made is fine)
6 crushed Heath bars
2 cups heavy cream
1 jar caramel/butterscotch sauce (10.4 ounces)


Slice the cake horizontally into 3 layers. Whip the cream until it is stiff, and add sauce slowly. Ice each layer with the mixture and sprinkle with candy crumbs. Ice top & sides after the cake is back together. Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight.

Thoughts On Heath Bar Cake:

I love toffee, almonds, and milk chocolate, so it goes to say that I love Heath Bars. This candy bar is the perfect mix of the three mentioned ingredients. This Heath Bar Cake recipe is super simple and you can make it quick. If you don't have much time, and you have an event you are going to where a sweet treat is needed, you will hit a home run with this easy recipe.

More Information For You:

The birthday of The Heath Bar was in 1928. Eventually, the candy bar made it into the hands of soldiers who fought in World War II. You can discover more information on this candy bar by visiting the True Treats article called The Heath Bar: America's "Finest" Toffee which includes great historical pictures.

Some Questions For You:

Do you like candy bar cakes? If you do, what is your favorite candy bar cake? Do you have a favorite you would like to see here on my recipe blog? I would love to post it for you. Also, did you miss my last recipe? If you did, it is called Cashew Chicken Easy Recipe and you will enjoy it too. Let me know what you think of it in the comments on that post as well.

My Thoughts For Today:

Weber Grill

Pork Steaks

I feel I am a little late in getting the grill out and cooking great-tasting meats but I had a craving to make the time. I wanted to cook pork steaks. To me, the taste of charcoal-grilled pork steak is very nostalgic. I have great memories of my family cooking pork steaks. It was a great summertime for the family. The cookout would usually include canned pork and beans, BBQ chips, potato salad along green beans.

I have mentioned in previous posts I love using Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning and I use that seasoning on my steaks and black pepper as well. The taste is terrific and I would suggest you try it. You will want to lightly sprinkle the creole seasoning as it can be very salty. The combination is wonderful.

As always, Keep on cooking!

>>>See all my recipes here!<<<

*Amazon Associate links are included in this blog post.

*See our Privacy Policy about this content.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Cashew Chicken Easy Recipe


A great recipe!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Cashew Chicken Easy Recipe - (Asian Food)

Chicken Ingredients:

1 chicken breast per person
1 egg per pound of chicken
1/4 cup milk per egg
Salted cashew nuts
Snipped green onion tops or chives


1 cup pineapple juice
3/4 cup cider vinegar
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons catsup
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 medium clove garlic (minced)
1/4 cup green pepper (chopped)


Remove the meat from the bone and cut into chunks. Flour and let stand for 15 minutes to dry the flour coating. Meanwhile combine eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. Place floured chicken pieces in the egg mixture for 10 minutes. Remove from egg mixture and coat with flour. Fry in hot oil in a single layer. Keep chicken pieces warm in a covered pan in a 200-degree oven until all the chicken is cooked. Serve with Sweet and Sour sauce or Soy Sauce on top of the rice.

Sweet and Sour Sauce - Combine water, pineapple juice, vinegar, and green pepper. Cook until the green pepper is just crisp and tender. Add catsup, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic. Blend in brown sugar and cornstarch. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and cook until thickened and clear.

Thoughts On Cashew Chicken:

I am a huge fan of Cashew Chicken because, number one, it's delicious, and number two, I was born in Springfield, Missouri. Springfield is the home of Cashew Chicken brought onto the American food scene by David Leong. David started his restaurant in Springfield and began serving Cashew Chicken. I have been to Leong's many times. He passed in 2020 but most times when we would go into the restaurant he would be inside greeting people and watching them enjoy his food.

Some Questions For You:

Do you like Cashew Chicken, and can you remember the first time you tried it? If you have not tried cashew chicken, you are in for a delight! Also, did you see my last recipe? If you didn't, it is called Old-Time Corn Casserole and it will please those who love corn. Do you like corn dishes?

More Information For You:

All Things Considered, wrote a great article on David Leong and Leong's Restaurant you will enjoy. There's even a 30-minute recorded broadcast that you can listen to that will share the history and facts about this great American Asian delight.

My Thoughts For The Day:

Bibigo Korean Style Crunchy Chicken

GoWISE USA Air Fryer

The finished product!

My wife bought some frozen Korean-style chicken for me to try. I used the air fryer and it turned out pretty good. The sauce was very sweet and salty. It did not come with sesame seeds but I had those in the spice cabinet and decided to sprinkle them on top of my chicken. This meal has 18 grams of protein and filled me well. I would recommend this packaged chicken product for a quick meal.

Keep on cooking!

>>>See all my recipes here!<<<

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Old-Time Corn Casserole Easy Recipe


A corn lover's delight!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Old Time Corn Casserole Easy Recipe - (Main Dishes, Casserole)


2 cups corn (creamed or frozen)
1 cup cracker crumbs
1/4 cup celery (diced)
1/3 cup American cheese (diced)
2 tablespoons onion (diced)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon margarine
1/2 cup milk
*Read this entire post to find my secret ingredient that will make this recipe pop!


Combine all the ingredients, and pour into a greased casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees until brown.

My Thoughts On Old-Time Corn Casserole:

Many corn casserole recipes you will find today incorporate Jiffy corn mix into the recipe. This recipe is an older one using cracker crumbs. While I do like Jiffy very much, I enjoy the texture of this older cracker ingredient recipe. Another feature is celery. No matter your favorite corn casserole recipe, I believe you will enjoy this Old-Time Corn Casserole recipe.

Questions For You:

Do you consider a corn casserole a main dish? When is your favorite time to cook corn casserole? Did you see my last casserole recipe? If you didn't, it is called Tater Tot Casserole and since I am sharing another delicious casserole recipe this one will complement well.

More Information For You:

There is a great article by Tasting Table at Yahoo called "Is There A Difference Between Corn Pudding And Corn Casserole?" I think you will find it interesting. Corn casserole recipes started showing up in the 1950s and are most likely a variation of corn pudding.

My Thoughts For The Day:

This will make your casserole pop!

Here's my secret ingredient! Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning tastes great and I love to cook with it. I always keep some of this seasoning on hand and use it a lot. I would recommend adding 1/2 teaspoon of this seasoning to the Old-Time Corn Casserole recipe to give it a special taste. If you try this I would like to hear from you.

Keep on cooking!

>>>See all my recipes here!<<

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tater Tot Casserole Easy Recipe


Get this recipe in the oven!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Tater Tot Casserole Easy Recipe - (Main Dishes, Potato)


1 pound hamburger (thawed)
Onion flakes
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can peas (drained)
1 package of frozen tater tots (2 lbs)


Place the hamburger over the bottom of the baking pan or dish. Sprinkle the onion flakes over the hamburger. Pour cans of soup over the hamburger, then the drained peas. Place the frozen tater tots over the top and then sprinkle shredded cheese over the tater tots. Bake for 1 hour or until done at 350 degrees.

My Thoughts On Tater Tot Casserole:

This is one of the easiest recipes to put together. There are not that many ingredients and it is very easy to put it all together and put it in the oven. If you don't like peas you can replace peas with your favorite vegetable. As a kid, I always enjoyed tater tots and still do from time to time. To me, what makes this recipe so good is the mixture of the cream of mushroom soup and the cream of chicken soup along with the hamburger. It provides and great tasting sauce for the hamburger and potato mix.

More Information For You:

Tater tots came on the American food scene in 1953 and immediately became popular. Ore-Ida invented the "tater tot" name. You can learn more names and information about tater tots by visiting the US Foods website.

Questions For You:

Did you like eating tater tots when you went to school? If you didn't like tater tots, what did you trade them for? Let me know in the comment section below. Do you have a special tater tot casserole recipe you would care to share with me? I would love to see your recipe.

Did you miss my last recipe? If you did, I will share it with you here. It is called Spanish Coffee Cake Easy Recipe. Please let me know what you think of it.

My Thoughts For The Day:

Peacock Dickerson Park Zoo - Springfield, Mo.

This past weekend we took a trip to the local zoo to celebrate my oldest granddaughter's birthday. It was fun to see her enjoy seeing the animals. It was a sunny warm day and there were lots of people there enjoying the zoo. My granddaughter turned four years old and I would think this trip will be a memory for her for the rest of her life. It is interesting how events in life we experience can stay with us throughout our lives. I remember being four years old and getting to go to the zoo. I can't remember the whole day but I definitely remember the zoo and some things about being at the zoo.

I saw a male peacock at the zoo perched on a fence and decided to get a quick picture before he jumped down. Later I saw him raising and shaking his feathers for a female peacock. The female did seem impressed. It was very fun to witness and it was a great day.

Thanks for reading my thoughts on the day. I hope you enjoy the tater tot casserole recipe and remember to stay positive and keep on cooking!

>>See all my recipes here!<<

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Spanish Coffee Cake Easy Recipe

A Coffee Lover's Delight!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Spanish Coffee Cake Easy Recipe - (Cakes)


2 1/2 cups flour (sifted)
3/4 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup cooking oil
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup walnut meats


Mix the flour, white sugar, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, and cooking oil, until crumbly mixture. Save 1/2 cup of this crumbly mixture for the topping. To the crumbly mixture add, soda, baking powder, egg, and buttermilk. Mix well and beat for several minutes with an electric mixer. Pour into a greased and floured baking pan. Take the 1/2 cup of crumbly add the 1/2 cup of walnut meats and sprinkle over the cake batter. Bake at 325 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.

My Thoughts About Spanish Coffee Cake:

I enjoy a good cup of coffee and having a piece of Spanish Coffee Cake seems right. The cinnamon crumble on top mixes so well with the cake. Invite a coffee fan over and serve this cake with a cup of coffee. I would be willing to bet you will see a big smile on their face after they take a bite. The simplicity of this cake and crumble topping is very tasty for the cinnamon lover.

More Information For You:

 If you want to know where the coffee cake originated from you will have to look to Germany. The name "Coffee Cake" was not used until the late 1800s. To find out more interesting history on the Coffee Cake you can visit the article by where they provide plenty information on the subject. Another quick fact for you, the hole was also introduced to the coffee cake to make it more appealing to the eye.

Some Questions For You:

You came to this post for a reason. I have to ask, do you love coffee cake? If you have never tried it, you can try my recipe and see what you think. I would be willing to say you will enjoy this coffee cake and will want to share it with someone.

Did you see my last recipe? If you missed it I would like to share it with you here. It is called Coconut Cream Pie Easy Recipe. It is another great recipe that you will enjoy cooking almost as much as you love eating. 

Thoughts For The Day:

A new seasoning for me!

I was in the store getting some things and found this new seasoning. I love cajun seasoning and have never tried this one. I will have to come up with some good recipes for you incorporating this season. My go to seasoning is Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning and I have been using it for some time but I am excited to try this Slap Ya Mama. The name is funny and eye catching but slapping my mama would only get me in trouble for sure. I haven't asked my mama but I don't think she would like the name of this new cajun seasoning I've found.

Have a great day, thanks for reading, and keep on cooking!

>>See all my recipes here!<<

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Coconut Cream Pie Easy Recipe


Coconut Cream Pie Easy Recipe

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Coconut Cream Pie Easy Recipe - (Pies & Pastries)


1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons corn starch
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 cup milk
3 egg yolks (beaten)
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup coconut


Combine the sugar, salt, corn starch, with milk. Cook over low heat until thickened. Add beaten egg yolks and cook an additional 2 or 3 minutes. Add the butter, vanilla and coconut. Pour into the baked pie shell and top with meringue made of 3 egg whites and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Brown in a 375-degree oven for 12 minutes.

Thoughts About Coconut Cream Pie:

This is my favorite pie of all time! Even if it is made from a lesser recipe if it remotely tastes like coconut cream pie of a decent caliber I absolutely love it. I don't know if it is the coconut, the cream pie, the meringue, or the whole pie itself, but I never turn it down. I can't remember the first time I tasted this pie but ever since I was a child I have been a big fan.

More Information For You:

According to Days Of The Year website May 8th is declared a National Day in the United States. Try this recipe for this national day and share a picture with me. I will be glad to share a backlink for you.

It is historically known that coconut cream pie originated in the United States during the 1800s but it may have first come from Europe. 

Some Questions For You:

Do you enjoy coconut cream pie? Do you possibly have a recipe for this pie you think might be better? Would you care to share it with me? Do you have a memory you would like to share surrounding coconut cream pie? Also, did you see my last recipe? It is called Cheesy Ham Buns Easy Recipe and I hope you will enjoy the recipe post.

Thoughts For The Day:

Strawberry Chocolate Birthday Cake

My oldest daughter made a strawberry chocolate birthday cake for her oldest daughter. It was for her little girl's 4th birthday. My granddaughter was happy about this cake. My youngest daughter shared her recipe for the buttercream icing that went into this cake. I was not able to be there for the cutting of this cake and asked the family to save me a piece to enjoy. This creation tasted so good to me and I was thankful to get a large piece of cake. I want to say thank you to my family for bringing me a slice of joy that celebrates such a great day! Happy Birthday to my oldest and first granddaughter!

Cooking is not just something that we do every day for many of us but it is also something we do for special occasions. You might know someone that you can celebrate a special occasion with and cook a great recipe. The occasion does not have to be a birthday. It can also be an anniversary of a first work day. No matter the occasion, food is a great way to celebrate and unite people for good conversation.

You have another day to cook something and share it with someone. Show someone how you feel by sharing the food you create. Keep on cooking!

>>See all my recipes here!<<

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cheesy Ham Buns Easy Recipe

Super Easy Cheesy!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Cheesy Ham Buns Easy Recipe - (Main Dishes, Pork)


2 to 3 cups ground ham
1 cup of cheddar cheese
1 onion
1 package Pillsbury hot roll mix (16 ounces)


Grind the ham and cheese together with 1 onion. The onion should yield about 2 cups. You can use more if you like. You can use leftover ham or new ham. Mix up the hot roll mix let it set and rise. Work down and roll out the dough to about 1/4 inch thick. Cut the dough into 6-inch squares. Place a handful of ground ham and onion in the middle of each square. Bring the edges of squares up to cover the ham and shape into buns. Turn all the buns over and place them into a greased pan. Let the buns rise again. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Thoughts On Ham Buns:

This is absolutely one of the easiest recipes for a main dish you will enjoy! The cheese is optional but if you are a cheese lover like myself then you will love this recipe. Not much to it at all but the simplicity makes it a great dish you can prepare for a gathering or for an evening at home. They can also be a grab-and-go recipe to take for your lunch at work and for the kids at school.

More Information For You:

I don't know the origin of the ham bun in America but if you find some information on the recipe please share it with me. I would guess here in the United States it was put together to make an easy meal and one that is very portable. The New York Times wrote an article on ham buns that you might enjoy and they share a recipe with poppy seeds you will find interesting.

Some Questions For You:

Do you have a recipe for ham buns? I would love to see your recipe. Please share it in the comments below. Also, did you see my last recipe? It is called Fast Texas Pete Chicken Wings and I know you will love it too.

Some Thoughts For The Day:

Home Made Sour Dough Bread!

The bread is still coming to our house because my oldest daughter keeps baking it, and it is so good! I can't get enough of it. So far it is free to us and it is a wonderful gift. We slice it and make sandwiches with it or just eat it with our meals. I have even just cut off a slice and dipped it in my favorite sauce for a quick snack.

Food is a wonderful part of life! It unites us and makes us feel good. Cooking and baking is a great hobby and a good stress reliever. Making food can really open up your creativity. To me, there is great joy in creating a good recipe and sharing it with friends and family. To see someone smile when they taste something I've cooked is so rewarding.

Get in the kitchen and keep on cooking! Let me know how it goes!

>>See all my recipes here!<<

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fast Texas Pete Chicken Wings Easy Recipe

So fast and easy these wings fly off the plate!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Fast Texas Pete Chicken Wings Easy Recipe - (Main Dishes, Chicken)


1/2 cup margarine
1 cup Texas Pete sauce (you can use your favorite sauce but give this one a try)
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 24-count package chicken wings
Oil for deep frying


Melt margarine in a small saucepan. Stir in Texas Pete sauce, brown sugar, and Worcestershire sauce. Deep-fry chicken wings in hot oil in deep-fryer until wings float to the top and are golden brown. Place the wings in a casserole dish. Add sauce. Cover the casserole dish. Shake until chicken wings are covered with sauce.

Yield: 8 servings

My Thoughts On Super Fast Chicken Wings:

I must say that Texas Pete Hot Sauce is one of my favorite hot sauces I have tried. I have only recently tried Texas Pete and I am a huge fan, to say the least. It has moved to my top three all-time favorites. Tabasco has always been my number one. My wife brought home Texas Pete Hot Sauce and after trying it, I decided to move it to the top of the list. I just love the burn Tabasco gives on my tongue but Texas Pete has a more vinegar taste to it. I think that is why I love it. A little less burn and a lot more vinegar.

This recipe post is supposed to be about chicken wings but what makes this recipe so special is the flavor Texas Pete provides. As mentioned in the recipe, you can use your favorite hot sauce but I beg you to give this recipe a try.

Some Extra Information You Might Enjoy:

Did you know there is a National Chicken Wing Day? Well, there is, and according to National Day Archives, it is on July 29th. I know that is some time away but I thought you would like that fact if you did not know it. You can visit them in the post link here in this post to find out how many chicken wings the average American eats a year, or how many chicken wings Americans eat on just Super Bowl Sunday. You might find it interesting the amount times that many chicken wings will circle a major geographical attraction in the good ole USA.

A Few Questions For You:

Can you guess how many calories a single chicken wing, without sauce, has? How many chicken wings would you think most Americans eat in one sitting? Did you know there was a world record for the most wings eaten in a single sitting in 2015? It will blow your mind how many chicken wings this record was set in just under thirty minutes. Be sure to visit the National Day Archives link in the previous paragraph to find out all this incredible information.

Did you see my last recipe? If you missed it, I would like to share it here. It is called White Chicken Chili Easy Recipe. (Theres a video attached to that post.) My last recipe fits just perfectly with this recipe post simply because it is chicken. I hope you enjoy it.

Here's My Personal Thoughts For The Day:

Do you enjoy funny food memes? Since I blog about food and recipes I enjoy food memes I may find on the Interweb. I came across a good one while scrolling through my Facebook feed. One of my friends shared. Raven Hawk on Facebook shared a meme that I can totally relate to from time past. Check it out below!

Funny Food Meme!

When I was a kid I had one of those windup jack-in-the-box toys that played music when I cranked it. It would always give me a jump when the lid would pop open. When I got older and opened my first can of biquits I had a similar experience. I'm not a big sissy man now and I actually enjoy the pop the can will make while pulling the paper. You might admit that pop of the can is surprising even if it doesn't scare you.

I hope you enjoyed this Fast Texas Pete Chicken Wings Easy Recipe and blog post. Please leave your thoughts below I would love to hear from you.

Keep on cooking!

Monday, April 22, 2024

White Chicken Chili Easy Recipe


You won't be able to stop eating this!

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

White Chicken Chili Easy Recipe - (Main Dishes, Chicken)

Chili Seasonings: (Make this first and set aside.)

(You can use 1 packet of your favorite white chicken chili season if you do not have the ingredients to mix this recipe.)

1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

Ingredients: (Chili)

3 tablespoons butter
1 yellow onion (diced)
1 jalapeno pepper (large, seeded and diced)
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
3 tablespoons flour
6 cups of chicken broth
1/3 cup of half & half milk
2 regular cans of cannellini drained beans
1 teaspoon of your favorite hot sauce
1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
2 small cans of green chilis, mild, and not drained
1 regular can of sweet corn whole kernel (use frozen if you like)
1 (8oz.) cream cheese, soft
1 1/2 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast
Salt and pepper


Make the chili seasoning and set it aside. Melt the butter, add in the onions and diced jalapenos. Cook for about 5 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for another 1 minute. Put in the flour and cook for 2 minutes while stirring well. Next, add the chicken broth and stir while pouring it in. Add in the half & half next the same way. Stir in the chili seasonings along with the Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and green chilies. Next, let it boil for about 15 minutes without a lid and then reduce to a simmer.

Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides of the chicken. Put the chicken and the corn in the pot and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes without the lid. Cook it slow so the chicken will be tender. Next, take the chicken out and shred it after it is cooked well then put it back into the pot. Turn the heat to low and add in the soft cream cheese. Keep stirring until the cheese is melted.

My Thoughts On White Chicken Chili:

See my recipe videos!

You can see my White Chicken Chili Easy Recipe here on my YouTube channel and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a recipe!

You will love this recipe and if you have never tried White Chicken Chili I am sure you will be a fan of this dish. As I mentioned in my video, a friend of mine shared this recipe with me. I had never tried it before and was excited to cook it and share it with my family. I decided not to go with a White Chicken Chili season packet and mix up my own seasons. I was very glad I decided to do that. Cooking should be fun and challenging but also easy. I love to take my time when cooking and enjoy the process. I love to have cornbread with my chili and this recipe tastes especially good with warm cornbread.

Extra Information For You:

I am not quite sure where White Chicken Chili originated from but if you have some information on the subject I would love to hear from you. Southern Kitchen has a great article on the subject and you can give it a read. They share some history on chili in general. My best guess is that it is an American chili recipe that may have originated in the Midwest. I say that because I am from Missouri and want to claim that many great recipes came from my area. Can you blame me?

A Question Or Two For You:

Have you ever tried White Chicken Chili? If you haven't tried it, when did you first hear of this tasty recipe? Have you ever cooked White Chicken Chili? Needless to say, I am hopelessly addicted to this food and crave it often. I want to give a shout-out to my friend who shared this recipe with me.

Did you see the last recipe I shared? You can see my last recipe Beef Parmigiana Easy Recipe if you missed it. Please let me know what you think about this recipe too!

Personal Thoughts To Share With You:

Homemade sourdough Jalapeno Cheddar!

My oldest daughter is baking sourdough bread and she is getting good at it. She currently has her hands very busy with three little children and they are such a blessing. She is a stay-at-home mom and has decided to start selling her sourdough bread. She has a culture she keeps and uses it to make her bread. It is very interesting to see her creations and she uses us as tasters of her bread. That is just fine with me because it is very delicious. I am sure she will start selling her bread on Facebook for local marketing. I hope she does well. I will share the future progress of her bread-baking journey and some pictures too.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts on this recipe post. I would love to hear from you and as always, thank you for visiting my recipe blog. Be sure to share with your friends and keep on cooking!