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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Why You're NOT Generating Leads From Your Website


You have a great website with the features you think will drive traffic. You spend time and money driving traffic to your site only to have visitors leave and end up buying from a competitor in your industry. Believe me, I know exactly how that feels and it’s not good. In this blog post, I would like to cover some reasons why your website is not generating leads. 

1. Your calls to action confuse visitors

When I see most web pages that have low conversion rates, my first action is to look at the call to action. There are two big mistakes website owners make:

Many “Call To Actions” on a page. You only need one Call To Action for every page. If you want a visitor to buy something then you just need one “order now” button. You can have more than one CTA but it’s important to track the results and it must be an extension of the first Call To Action. 

Let’s say the landing page you have set up has several sections and your visitor must roll down past most of the content, it’s safe to say the visitor will not engage with the main Call To Action you have so you may have to offer a lower bar Call To Action and hopefully convert the visitor later on.

We see other sites that incorporate popups that the computer mouse moving will initiate and that seems successful. The popup will also engage if the site visitor moves the cursor towards the close box on the popup.

For all the other examples and particularly for the small landing pages, I would encourage the singular use of Call To Action. This will make your landing page generate more leads.

2. The Call To Action is not bold or exact enough

Using a weak Call To Action is a very dominant reason your site is not drawing the leads it should. You may have seen many Business 2 Business landing pages that show a dead-colored button that says “Submit” and if you think about it this can come off as negative. A Call To Action button like this is dull and does not excite your visitors to action.

Your Call To Action button should tell your visitor exactly what to do and be active when it’s clicked. If it is an email then it should say “Email Me Now” to encourage action. If you’re giving away a free report it should say “Get Your Free Report Now!”. You get the idea and you should test each call to action button.

3. Your web forms are too complicated

If you manage a sales team it might seem easier to use many form fields to gather detailed information from your visitors. The fact is though that the simple web forms get greater results than the more complicated forms.

Your lead capture form should have as few input fields as possible. Your sales process would probably not suffer at all with this smaller form and you will experience many more form fulfillment. An email and address or phone number will get the results you're after.

If you are working with business-to-business lead generation and you want to improve that then your Customer Relationship Management or CRM will be able to gather more information because of the email address from the lead. 
4. Your website is not getting enough traffic
When you are brainstorming on Business To Business lead generation I want you to think about a funnel. You get 200 visitors to your homepage, 20 will navigate to your product or service page, 2 visitors will fill out your form. This is a decent conversion of 2%. You might make changes to your product or service page like rewording the Call To Action, color change, but nothing happens. You must get more traffic to your site. Your traffic is dictated by math. If you have 200 visits and get 2 leads, get 1,000 visitors and get 10 leads.

You don’t have to get all the traffic for yourself. It’s tons of work and you probably don’t have time for that. This is where a professionally educated marketer comes in like me. Highly targeted marketing campaigns through social media will generate leads for you.
5. Your site has too many choices for visitors

You may be giving your visitors too many choices on your website which can keep you from generating more leads. The best lead generation landing page needs to be very focused and service a specific purpose. If you are giving away an eBook on your page in exchange for contact information, the ONLY “clickable” link should be the Call To Action button under the lead capture form.
You can find a countless number of landing pages with tons of links that will distract your visitor away from taking the action you want them to take. With too many choices you increase the chance of a visitor clicking away from the Call To Action and decrease the chance of gaining that visitor as a lead.
6. Your Marketing message is confusing

If you have made changes and you still aren’t getting the results, it is a good idea to look at your marketing copy. Too many business owners write their copy for their website. It’s most effective to write for your specific target audience or persona. This is where the power of inbound marketing comes in. For a great inbound marketing strategy, it's important to create around your target’s personas. If your titles or copy is not focused this may keep your visitor from relating to your message, which can cause you to lose them as a lead.

It might seem like a simplification but the power of “less is more” and a laser-focused message tailored to your target audience will immediately be relatable to your visitor. Your visitor will get the message and you will get the lead.

7. Your website doesn’t solve problems

If you want your site to generate leads it must add value. It is just fine to brag a little and be self-centered but if it’s all about you it won’t be very relatable to your visitors. Be sure to focus mostly on the needs of your target audience.

You might have one of the best services or products people can find but if you are not telling your visitors HOW to solve their problem, they won’t be converted into a lead. Relate to your visitor in a friendly way by showing them you understand their problems and show them that you have the solution to their problem. You will see more leads coming in by doing this.

8. Your site is poorly designed

If the design of your site is outdated that can have a huge effect on the ability of your site to generate leads. Small things about your site like the font and color can affect your conversion rate. Two things to consider here are understanding your desired target audience’s preferences if possible and doing split-tests to learn what colors and layout combinations result in higher conversion rates.
Also, it is good to consider the layout of the information on your site. Be sure to have your written content evenly spaced and put into paragraphs in smaller content sections. You want your entire site visually appealing.

9. Your site’s landing page is not mobile-friendly

The majority of people today are accessing the Internet through their mobile devices. The number of computer desktop users declines every day. Eventually, the desktop era will be a thing of the past. Most tech-intensive niches are driving this among their target audience to create a higher quality of user interface that converts to more clients and customers. 

Most mixed niche websites report over 60% of mobile vs. desktop users. It’s a good idea to be shifting your you or your team’s mindset to “mobile dominate” and then optimize everything else online afterward. 

The competition in your niche is very strong and if your visitors do not relate or have an informative experience at your site they will not come back and more than likely visit a competitor’s website.

Friday, March 20, 2020

How To Double Your Hand Sanitizer | Money Saving Tip | Fight Germs And Be Well

With hand sanitizer flying off the shelf just as fast as it gets there, you need to make your supply last as long as possible.

Here is a great tip!

You can add Isopropyl Alcohol to the hand sanitizer you purchase at the store to make it stretch.

It is good to use alcohol that has the minimum of 60 percent alcohol to make sure it kills germs. You also want to make sure your mixture is about a 2 to 1 ratio of isopropyl alcohol and the hand sanitizer you already have.

If you can get aloe vera gel then you can make your own hand sanitizer that way. I would mix about a 50/50 mix for making your own hand sanitizer using aloe vera gel and Isopropyl alcohol. You and also add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil or scent if you like.

I made this post with a the intention to share a good health and wellness tip to not only help you protect yourself while fighting off germs but you can also double your supply of hand sanitizer.

I hope you enjoyed this and I would love if you would leave a comment to let me know what you think.

Stay safe, fight germs, and save money!

-Robert F. West

PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE...

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Friday, February 28, 2020

How To Use Video For Business | Online Marketing | Tips And Benefits To Help Pay Debt

If you are not using video for your business or your online marketing projects then I would like to encourage you to do so. There are two different ways you can use videos to grow your online efforts. In this video I outline the benefits of using video marketing. I also share a way that you can use videos if you are not ready to get in front of the camera. Video marketing is here to stay and growing in use by more and more business people and those who are venturing into online marketing for extra money to pay off debt. 30 Fast Facts about Video - article by WYZOWL.COM Article Contents 1. Businesses using video grow company revenue 49% faster, year-over-year, than organisations without. 2. 79% of consumers would rather watch a video to learn about a product, than read text on a page. 3. YouTube is the SECOND most popular search engine, in the world. (In case you weren’t sure, number 1 is Google) 4. Forrester Research found that video increases the chance of a front-page Google result by 53 times! 5. Our Rise in Video infographic shows that videos are 4x more engaging than static content. 6. 20 MILLION videos are uploaded to Facebook each month 7. 39 BILLION videos are viewed per month in the U.S. That’s 211 videos viewed and 16 hours of time spent per person, per MONTH! 8. Mobile video traffic accounted for 55% of total mobile data traffic in 2015. This will increase elevenfold to 75% by 2020 9. Networking manufacturer Cisco state that 86% of the Internet audience is watching online video – that’s 183 million people! 10. More than three-quarters (76%) of users have visited a company’s website after watching one of their video ads on social media. 11. 85% of Facebook video is watched without sound. 12. Among millennials, YouTube accounts for two-thirds of the premium online video watched across ALL devices. 13. 99% of businesses will continue to use video throughout 2019, and 88% will spend more. 14. The most viewed YouTube video is this: 15. By 2025, half of viewers under the age of 32 will not subscribe to a pay TV service. 16. Video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click-through rates. 17. It would take an individual more than 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month in 2020. 18. Snapchatters watch 10 billion videos a day. 19. In 1956, video recorders were sold for $50,000 and videotapes cost $300 per one-hour reel! 20. 69% say they’d be more likely to watch a video ad their friend had shared. 21. The very first music video to appear on MTV was ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ by The Buggles. 22. 80% of users can recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days. 23. 59% of executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same topic, they are more likely to choose video. 24. 83% of businesses believe that video gives them a good ROI. 25. The most popular YouTube channel (at the time of writing this article) is PewDiePie with over 93 million subscribers. 26. 72% of businesses who use video believe that it has improved the conversion rate of their website. 27. Noted as the one of the first animated films ever to be made, Gertie the Dinosaur was created by Winsor McCay and it took 10,000 drawings to produce the 12 minute film: 28. Social Media Examiner found that 76% of marketers plan to add videos to their sites. 29. When asked which skills they wished they, or their teams, were more adept at, 42.4% of marketers and 31.7% of SMB owners listed video marketing. 30. A staggering 98% of users say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE... Pay Student Loans | The Network Marketing Option | Debt Pay Off Tip Are You Looking For A Sign To Decide? | Why You Should Act Now | Metaphor For Life And Business Amazon Associates Program | Pay Student Loan Debt | Review Products Online NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 | Amazon Product Review | Wireless Signal Booster DISH Network | Referral Program | Student Loan Debt Money Tip Shop At Macy's To Pay Student Loans? | | Smart Phone APP How To Grow Your Business By Applying FAITH POWER | Manifestation Understanding | Spiritual Truth

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pay Student Loans | The Network Marketing Option | Debt Pay Off Tip

Is Network Marketing aka mlm(multi-level marketing) a viable way to make debt payments or even a legitimate income? And what is the history of the network marketing industry? That is what I cover in this video and I also share some great companies you may find interesting. I was first introduced to network marketing many years ago by a friend I went to school with. I met people who were making in one month what many people make in a full year. I know it sounds unreal but it is true. Now not everyone who gets involved with network marketing makes that kind of money because not everyone is interested in building a business to that kind of level. Not to mention it takes a certain mind set and skill level to achieve that. Still though, it is very possible. You may mostly be interested in making $500 to $1,000 a month to help make your student loan payments or any debt payments for that matter. If that is the case then I would love to inform you, just like with any of my online money tips, it is TOTALLY possible for you to do this. Check out the links here of my friends and their companies. You may find one of them that interests you. #1. Don Lachance - Karatbars International - Crypto Currency and Gold #2. Shelley Hobbs - Pruvit - Fitness & Wellness Coach/ketones - Coaching and ketone products #3. Shaneequa Burrell - LegalShield - Legal Services - Advice & Assistance https://askshaneequa.clearlythebest.c... #4. Denise Friday - Paparazzi - Jewelry Products and Fashion #5. Stephanie Ragsdale - Plexus - Weight loss and Nutrition #6. Darlene Gaetz - Melaleuca - Health & Wellness #7. (ME) Robert West - Elevacity - Nootropics Coffee & Wellness PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE... Are You Looking For A Sign To Decide? | Why You Should Act Now | Metaphor For Life And Business Amazon Associates Program | Pay Student Loan Debt | Review Products Online NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 | Amazon Product Review | Wireless Signal Booster DISH Network | Referral Program | Student Loan Debt Money Tip Shop At Macy's To Pay Student Loans? | | Smart Phone APP How To Grow Your Business By Applying FAITH POWER | Manifestation Understanding | Spiritual Truth Student Loan Debt | How To Make Your Payments | Financial Answer is Work From Home Business

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Are You Looking For A Sign To Decide? | Why You Should Act Now | Metaphor For Life And Business

Are you hesitant about taking ACTION on something that you would like to do? It is an important question to answer for yourself. So many times we hold back because of limiting beliefs we may have. Sometimes it is fear that keeps us from action. If you think about it, in-action is a form of action. Doing nothing actually creates results and most of the time the results are exactly what you are trying to change. No matter the amount of time it may take to accomplish your goal it is a good thing to recognize that time is going to go by anyway and the time that it will take for you to accomplish your goal will some day be in the past. Do you really want to look back a year or two from now and think to yourself that you should have got up and went to work on your dream? I don't think you want to do that. Go to work! Get up! Take ACTION! Go after your dream now! I can show you how if you need help contact me. I will show you exactly HOW you can turn your dreams into reality. Take the challenge! Let's go! PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE... Amazon Associates Program | Pay Student Loan Debt | Review Products Online NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 | Amazon Product Review | Wireless Signal Booster DISH Network | Referral Program | Student Loan Debt Money Tip Shop At Macy's To Pay Student Loans? | | Smart Phone APP How To Grow Your Business By Applying FAITH POWER | Manifestation Understanding | Spiritual Truth Student Loan Debt | How To Make Your Payments | Financial Answer is Work From Home Business

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How To Join The Amazon Associates Program | Pay Student Loan Debt | Do Review Products Online

Here is another Student Loan Debt tip to help you out. You can join the and review products you purchase on Amazon. After you are accepted as an affiliate you can begin to review products and start making money. Here is my review video I did on the NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender (If you don't have this you can order it here!) NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 - Coverage up to 600 sq.ft. and 10 devices with N300 Wireless Signal Booster & Repeater (up to 300Mbps speed), and Compact Wall Plug Design EXTENDED WIRELESS COVERAGE: Adds WiFi range coverage up to 600 square feet, and connects up to 10 devices such as laptops, smartphones, speakers, IP cameras, tablets, IoT devices, and more N300 WIFI SPEED: Provides up to 300Mbps performance UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY: Works with any wireless router, gateway, or cable modem with WiFi. System Requirements-802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz wireless router or gateway. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, Firefox 2.0 or Safari 1.4 or Google Chrome 11.0 browsers or higher WIRED ETHERNET PORT: Simply plug in game consoles, streaming players, or other nearby wired devices using the one 10/100M port for maximum speed SAFE & SECURE: Supports WEP and WPA/WPA2 wireless security protocols SIMPLE TO SETUP: Press the WPS button to connect to your router. Use the NETGEAR WiFi Analyzer app for optimal location PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE... NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 | Amazon Product Review | Wireless Signal Booster DISH Network | Referral Program | Student Loan Debt Money Tip Shop At Macy's To Pay Student Loans? | | Smart Phone APP How To Grow Your Business By Applying FAITH POWER | Manifestation Understanding | Spiritual Truth Student Loan Debt | How To Make Your Payments | Financial Answer is Work From Home Business

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 | Amazon Product Review | Wireless Signal Booster

NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender EX2700 - Coverage up to 600 sq.ft. and 10 devices with N300 Wireless Signal Booster & Repeater (up to 300Mbps speed), and Compact Wall Plug Design EXTENDED WIRELESS COVERAGE: Adds WiFi range coverage up to 600 square feet, and connects up to 10 devices such as laptops, smartphones, speakers, IP cameras, tablets, IoT devices, and more N300 WIFI SPEED: Provides up to 300Mbps performance UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY: Works with any wireless router, gateway, or cable modem with WiFi. System Requirements-802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz wireless router or gateway. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, Firefox 2.0 or Safari 1.4 or Google Chrome 11.0 browsers or higher WIRED ETHERNET PORT: Simply plug in game consoles, streaming players, or other nearby wired devices using the one 10/100M port for maximum speed SAFE & SECURE: Supports WEP and WPA/WPA2 wireless security protocols SIMPLE TO SETUP: Press the WPS button to connect to your router. Use the NETGEAR WiFi Analyzer app for optimal location PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE... DISH Network | Referral Program | Student Loan Debt Money Tip Shop At Macy's To Pay Student Loans? | | Smart Phone APP How To Grow Your Business By Applying FAITH POWER | Manifestation Understanding | Spiritual Truth Student Loan Debt | How To Make Your Payments | Financial Answer is Work From Home Business

Thursday, February 6, 2020

DISH Network | Referral Program | Student Loan Debt Money Tip

Did you know that DISH Network has a "Refer A Friend" program where you can refer up to 10 activated customers per year and receive and equivalent of $1,000.00 toward your DISH Network bill? (Dish does NOT send you cash. They only credit your monthly Dish bill balance) Not bad right?... Now if you are currently a DISH Network subscriber the Refer A Friend program can help you save money on your bill when you refer an ACTIVATED customer. Once that happens you save 100 points = $100 credit on your monthly bill(up to 10 activated customers a year) as mentioned above. Now once you save the money on your Dish Network bill you can simply take the $100 you would normally spend on your bill and you can send that to your STUDENT LOANS. Sounds good right? Your friends who are activated can also get 20 free movie rentals for signing up. They are also eligible to refer others to the Dish Network Refer a Friend program. Activated accounts are locked into that low monthly fee for two years and the fine details do say that they can at any time change the terms of how they pay out the credits but as for now it is in place and maybe just something you may not have thought of. There are other companies that use a referral program. Be sure to check out all of the company websites of the services you subscribe to. They just might have a similar program you can be a part of. If you are not a DISH Network subscriber and you would like to be a part I will give you my information for you to get activated at a low monthly rate and receive 20 free movie rentals.(refer to the terms and conditions on the DISH refer a friend page) USE THIS CODE...VCD0022007674 CALL...888-601-0192 Or USE this link to apply code 2-Year TV Price Guarantee Free Voice Remote Live and Recorded TV On-the-Go with the DISH Anywhere App Installation as Soon as the Next Day PODCAST Instagram - robertf.west Facebook - Robert F. West Twitter - @irobwest You May Also LIKE... Shop At Macy's To Pay Student Loans? | | Smart Phone APP How To Grow Your Business By Applying FAITH POWER | Manifestation Understanding | Spiritual Truth Student Loan Debt | How To Make Your Payments | Financial Answer is Work From Home Business

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Who Likes FREE Happy Coffee? | Nootropics | Depression Fighter and Feel Happy

If you like Easy Recipes check out all of mine here!
(click above now!)

What if I told you that my coffee is smarter than yours? 😀

It's true!  I've been drinking this Happy Smart Coffee and I absolutely love it.  Raise your hand or comment below if you'd like a FREE sample.

Hurry while I still have plenty of FREE samples to give you.  You WILL LOVE how it makes you FEEL!


☕️I hope you’re having a great day! I’m giving away FREE samples of the Elevate Coffee D.O.S.E. 

Duo. This coffee combination is INCREDIBLE—you just have to try it! It’s got stuff in it that makes you HAPPY🤩

Comment below or send me a private message to get yours!!! Have a blessed day! *P.S.-If you don’t want a sample you can tag a friend or tell a friend who will. 

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