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Showing posts with label Memorial Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memorial Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Needle In A Haystack No-Bake Cookies Recipe


You'll wanna poke yourself because you won't believe it!

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Needle In A Haystack No-Bake Cookies Recipe - (Cookies)


1 pound White Chocolate
2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter
1 cup broken stick pretzels (or pretzel looking pretzels)
1 cup peanuts (salted)


Break the white chocolate into pieces and melt in a double broiler. After the chocolate is melted, remove it from the heat and throw in: chunky peanut butter, pretzels, and the peanuts. Now stir it good like a crazy person and spread it on 2 sheets of wax paper to dry. After the stuff is dry, break it all into pieces.

Thoughts On Needle In A Haystack No-Bake Cookies:

After you make these cookies it will be like finding a needle in a haystack because everyone will eat them. They will be gone! If you are looking for a quick no-bake cookie recipe to make, this one is it. Just a short time and you will have a batch whipped up and ready to go. You won't be asked how long they took to make because people will be too busy chewing and grabbing more. I just love this recipe and you will too. Remember to save some for yourself!

More Information On These No-Bakes:

It was the time of the Great Depression and bakers needed to bake things with few ingredients because times were hard. The no-bake cookie was born out of good ole "have to" because lack of monies. You can learn more about no-bake cookies at Bite From The Past.

A Few Questions For You:

Do you like no-bake cookies? If you like no-bake cookies, what kind are your favorite? Have you tried these haystack cookies? If you haven't tried them, you get your no-baking stuff out and give this a whirl. You can thank me later! Did you notice my last recipe? If you missed it here it is: It is called Taco Pie Recipe and you better get your napkin ready because you're gonna be on it like a cat on a junebug!

My Ponderings For Today:

Zoe's Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend and my youngest daughter made her famous Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. I know right! Isn't that picture wonderful? Beleive me when I say, the cookie tastes awesome! They literally disappear. I am trying to get my daughter to share her recipe. I am of the firm belief that recipes should be shared. I will never understand keeping recipes secret. Convince me otherwise if you can. Why do people keep recipes secret? Help me.

Keep on cooking!

Follow, Like, Subscribe, and whatever you gotta do to get my awesome daily recipes!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Dutch Oven Barbecue Beef Recipe - And My Special Pork Steak Seasoning


It's worth the wait!

>>>See all my recipes here!<<<

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Dutch Oven Barbeque Beef Recipe - (Main Dishes, Beef)


1 rump roast (3-4 pounds)
1 onion (medium, sliced)
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce (or to your taste)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 bottle catsup (14 ounces)
1-2 tablespoons brown sugar
Hamburger buns


Place the rump roast in the Dutch oven. Combine the remaining ingredients, except the hamburger buns, and pour it over the rump roast. Cover the Dutch oven and bake at 250 degrees for 3 1/2-4 hours or until the meat is tender. Cool the meat slightly, cut into thin slices, and serve on hamburger buns.

Thoughts On Dutch Oven Barbecue Beef:

Dutch ovens are great to bake and cook with. This recipe cooks the rump roast slowly and seals in the juices along with a great aroma because of the special barbecue sauce mix. I love barbecue beef any time of the year. You can make this recipe all year round because it is baked in the oven. If you have a grill with a good thermostat that will work great for outdoor cooking. This recipe can be served with potato salad or baked beans. In the Southern parts of the United States coleslaw is served on top of the barbecue sandwich. I first learned about coleslaw in barbecue in West Tennessee. It actually tastes great!

Interesting Information For You:

The Dutch oven comes from the Netherlands. Cast iron Dutch ovens were created by Abraham Darby. If you are an outdoors person you can use a Dutch oven over a campfire. There are so many different foods that can be cooked with a Dutch oven. Dutch ovens are even commonly used in South Africa and other countries. You can visit the Wasserstrom blog to learn the history of the Dutch oven, more about its origin, all the countries where it is used, the many uses, and even how to care for your Dutch oven. You will also learn how to shop for a Dutch oven that is perfect for you.

Some Questions For You Today:

Do you own a Dutch oven? If you don't own one, maybe you have a friend who would let you borrow theirs until you purchase one. You will need one for this recipe. Have you ever eaten food cooked in a Dutch oven? Please share your experience with me. Did you see my last recipe that was posted yesterday? If you missed it, it is called Kahlua Cake Recipe and I think you will like it. Check it out!

My Thoughts For Today:

Read on to see my secret seasoning recipe for grilled pork steak.

I love cooking out on the charcoal grill. I know propane is quicker but I love the charcoal flavor that gets into the meat. I bought pork steak and seasoned it my special way. I am glad to share what I use here. In past posts, I have mentioned how much I like Tony Cachere's Creole seasoning. That's my secret for pork steak. I begin by sprinkling black pepper on my steaks and then follow up with Tony Cachere's Creole seasoning. I rub it in the meat really well and I carefully season the whole meat. Not too much but completely seasoned. My pork steak has a spicy taste to it so if you have delicate taste buds you might want to use less. You just have to experiment.

The beans, coleslaw, macaroni salad, and potato salad were all store-bought. It is the holiday weekend Memorial Day on Monday so I am sure we will eat more food like this before going back to work.

Keep on cooking!