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Showing posts with label Fishing. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Steak Rollatini's Easy Recipe - Italian Food


*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Steak Rollatini's Easy Recipe - (Italian Food)


1 pound top or bottom round of beef per person, sliced very thin
Garlic salt
Parmesan cheese
Chopped parsley
Bay leaves


Cut strips of meat 3 inches wide. Place a little bit of each ingredient on each slice. Roll up and secure with a toothpick. Put bay leaves between rollatinis on toothpicks. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on charcoal or broiler. These freeze very well.

Thoughts On Steak Rollatini's:

You may notice when I listed the ingredients, I didn't give any measurements except for the amount of beef to use. There is a reason for this. This is a very intuitive recipe. When I wrote out the directions you may notice I said "Place a little bit of each ingredient" and that is to challenge you to feel your way while cooking the recipe. In doing this, hopefully, it will help you get in touch with your Italian side. 

Extra Information:

Rollatini is not a real Italian word. It just sounds very Italian and is a form of word invention for food branding. You can thank a smart marketer for that one. In Italy, the dish is called Involtini di melanzane. Rollatini actually means Italian Cooking. Rollatini is most commonly made with eggplant but it can be made with veal, chicken, or fish. For the recipe I shared, it is made with beef. You can decide what you would like to use. You can learn more about Rollatini by visiting Beef2Live.

Quick Question:

Have you ever tried cooking or eating Rollatini? If you have, would you care to share your experience with this food? Did you see my last easy recipe? See my Pumpkin Bread recipe if you missed it.

My Thoughts:

Frozen Deer Meat

In my previous posts, I shared about a young man who I used to work with. He is only 20 years old and quit working where I work to start his own fishing bait business. He has leased a shop in a downtown rural city right on the square. He makes plastic fishing lures as well as metal fishing lures. All handmade.

He doesn't have a website yet but he does have social media accounts. He is currently hiring someone to create his website for him so that he will be able to process orders through. I will share his Facebook business page link here with his business name. His Facebook business page is called Bubba Red's Bait Co.

His name is Cyris Helms. Cyris messaged me on Facebook today and wanted to know if I would like to come by his shop and take a look. He also wanted to share some frozen deer meat with me. He is trying to make room in his freezer for the next round of deer he kills for the bow hunting season. It starts this week and I thought to share some meat with me. I am glad to get it. I don't have much time for hunting but I do love to hunt and eat wild game.

I grew up eating deer meat and I just love the flavor of deer meat. Some people don't like it as much because it has a gamey taste to it. The gamey taste comes from the blood in the meat. You can get rid of the gamey taste by soaking the meat in cold water for a few days. You periodically replace the water and keep ice in the water too.

Have you ever tried deer meat? Here in the Ozarks, deer meat is very popular. Many people hunt for deer in this area. You can drive down rural roads and most likely you will see deer, turkey, or other wildlife. As a matter of fact, I was going home from Cyris's bait shop and had to slow down for a young deer on the side of the road. Thankfully I did not hit the deer with my car. People hitting deer happens so often around here.

Thank you so much for reading this recipe blog post. I hope you enjoyed it and I would love to hear from you what you think about this recipe or anything else I shared. Have a super day!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Low-Fat Cinnamon Rolls Easy Recipe - Breads Rolls

*Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest so you never miss a recipe.

Low-Fat Cinnamon Rolls Easy Recipe - (Breads, Rolls)


1 package yeast
1/4 cup warm water
2 1/2 to 3 cups of flour
1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt
1/2 cup sugar or sugar substitute (or 1/4 cup substitute and 1/4 cup sugar)
3 tablespoons low-fat soft oleo (margarine)
1 egg (I use 2 egg whites)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Vanilla Glaze:
2 tablespoons warm water
1/2 teaspoons vanilla
3/4 cup powdered sugar


Dissolve yeast in water in a large bowl. Let stand for 5 minutes until foamy. Add 1 1/2 cups flour, yogurt, sugar, salt, softened oleo (margarine), egg, and vanilla. Beat on low speed for 2 minutes. Mix in 1 cup flour. Knead on a floured surface for 5 minutes until smooth and elastic, adding flour to prevent sticking. Place in a bowl coated with cooking spray. Spray top. Cover. Let rise until doubled in bulk, 1 1/2 hours.

Punch down. Divide into 12 equal pieces. Roll each out on the floured surface. Brush lightly with melted low-fat oleo (margarine). Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mixture. (I use 1 part sugar substitute and 1 part natural sugar and cinnamon.) Roll into a roll and place on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Brush with oleo or cooking spray. Cover and let rise until almost double, 45 to 60 minutes. Bake in preheated oven, 425 degrees, for 8 minutes until golden brown. Brush on Vanilla Glaze while warm.

Vanilla Glaze: Whisk together.
Calories: 120
Fat: 3

My Thoughts:

Wow! What a week for me. I have been pretty busy at my job. I know I mentioned that in my last post about my job but I am known to repeat myself a little. I had to work this Friday so I missed out on helping my daughter at the local farmer's market. I feel bad about that but she is very understanding. She is such a sweet girl.

I also wanted to share here about a former co-worker. He is a young man I had the pleasure of working with who has turned his hobby into a business. He has made soft plastic fishing lures for several years now and even made them when he was in public school. He would sell his fishing lures to his classmates and even his teachers. After he graduated he took a job where I work and for the past year has had his business on a part-time basis. He has set up a booth at the same farmer's market my daughter sells her baked goods.

He has done very on a part-time basis with his job and decided to leave where I work to pursue his business full-time. I tried talking him into staying where I work for another year or so and continuing to work his business part-time while setting up his website to sell lures on. I couldn't talk him into staying so he has left working full-time with me. I completely understand him doing that and he has support from his parents.

He is currently making the same amount of money from his business as he was making from working at the factory with me. I am proud of him and will blog more about his progress in his business as I hear about it from him. I know he will do very well in the sporting goods industry. He is very motivated and a hard worker. He has a very good character and morals. I don't see too many young men like him today.

I decided to share a picture of us both in this post. I hope you enjoy the picture. When he has his website up and his store completely going I will do a post on all those details. His business is Bubba Reds Bait Co. If you are on Facebook you can follow him on his Facebook business page called Bubba Reds Baid Co.

Now allow me to share my thoughts on cinnamon rolls. I absolutely love those cinnamon rolls. There is something about the cinnamon and sugar with the icing that my tastebuds love. I love cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven. My daughter has a cinnamon roll cookie she makes and sells at the farmer's market and they always sell fast. They are one of my favorite cookies she makes. When they are warm they take just like fresh cinnamon rolls. I love to have hot coffee with fresh cinnamon rolls. 

More Thoughts On Cinnamon Rolls:

The history of the cinnamon roll or cinnamon bun is something that many will debate about. The Swedes claim that the cinnamon-baked delight originated there in the 1920s. You can read more interesting facts about cinnamon rolls at The Sussex Kitchen.


Do you love cinnamon rolls? What do you think about my low-fat cinnamon roll easy recipe? If you enjoyed this recipe blog post you might enjoy my last easy recipe of Paella Easy Recipe - Chicken Dish. If you like my cinnamon roll low-fat easy recipe please let me know in the comments below. You might have a cinnamon roll recipe you would like to share. The goal with this post is to share a low-fat recipe but I enjoy all recipes too.

Quick Question:

Do you like chopped nuts on your cinnamon rolls? I love nuts but I do not really like them on my cinnamon rolls. I believe chopped nuts can give your baked cinnamon rolls an extra texture many enjoy. Another quick question, do you think that roasting nuts to put on cinnamon rolls would add something special to the taste? It is just an idea I have and I have not tried it but I do think it is worth a try. If I do try this I will share it here on my blog.

Thank you for taking the time to read my easy recipe. Please leave a comment and share it with your friends who might enjoy a low-fat recipe.

>>See all my recipes here!<<


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Fishing With Grandma

Thinking of my grandma today. Her name was Wilma. Wilma Ward. That was her married name. My grandfather, Bill misses her badly and right now he is 93 years old. He still drives.

I spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was a kid. During the 80’s. My mom’s parents.

One memory I have of my grandma when I was young was when we would go fishing together.

She was an incredible lady. She gave me a Bible she owned before she passed on. In the first few blank pages of the Bible she showed me I drew a couple of circles when I was only a few years old. In one circle I drew eyes and a smile.

This was amusing to me. She showed me this when I was an adult. That’s when she gave me her Bible. I was touched by the gesture. She said she liked what I drew. I secretly felt bad I marked in her Bible and apologized for what I did.

The spine of the old sacred Bible is cracked from the years of use and seems brittle. I thought to have it rebound but I think I’ll keep it that way. I store it in a cigar humidor I don’t use anymore. It fits perfectly. I take it out and look at it once in a while.

I was completely spoiled to great fishing as a child on my grandparents farm.

I remember her saying, “Son! Let’s go down to the lake and go fishing.” She said she liked fishing and even if she didn’t get a bite it made her feel better. It calmed her she said. I didn’t understand the depth of what she meant then but now I do.

There’s something primal about the outdoors. It feels right. It’s like it’s hardwired into the human DNA. You know the feeling when it feels right.

There was a worn path to the lake from many trips. She would tell me not to brush up against anything green so we would avoid any ticks. I always came back loaded with ticks no matter how hard I tried. It always ended with a warm bath she made for me afterward. She put one small cap of PineSol in my baths to wash away tons of tiny “seed ticks” that would cover my legs. It seemed to work and I liked the smell of the cleaning solution on my skin.

We would get to the lake and pop open the tackle box.

I call it a lake because it seemed so huge to me as a child. She called it “the lake” too. It actually had an island in the middle of it. While fishing I would daydream of being on that little island. Oh what it would be like! Fishing from the bank there.

When I was four years old my grandparents made the lake. A big man in overalls came with a bulldozer and pushed the earth into shape. I was amazed!

He let me ride on the dozer with him. He gave me hard candy from his pocket. I don’t remember the flavor of candy exactly but I’ll never forget the feeling.

The earth was so red and rocky. How would we get water in there? Grandma said “Rain son.”

I tried to imagine. At first I thought they would stretch the well house hose to the lake and turn it on until it filled.

It wasn’t to long and the lake was full. It couldn’t drink another drop. Before it was full, grandma would walk to the lake to see the waterline after each rain. Once it was full as she like she told my grandpa to order fish. They stocked it full of Crappie, Bass, Blue Gill, Catfish, and Perch. They also put a few Carp in there. They weren’t for eating. They were for the moss they said and they grew to at least three foot long. I heard tales of grandma “snagging” one, and it broke her line like you could snap a spiders web.

There was a small spillway from the edge of the lake. It carved a beautiful little waterfall right into the rock. I played in the tiny spillway sometimes while grandma fished. Sometimes I would see tadpoles, crawfish, and even baby catfish that traveled their way from the lake.

It’s like a dream today. Where did that time go? I go back there sometimes in my mind. It feels good to visit.

Now when I say I was spoiled to fishing in the lake I mean to explain that they allowed no one but family to fish there. It was stocked full and grandma would often take a five gallon bucket of fish food and throw it in, one handful at a time. It was a frenzy. The fish went wild. It was a buffet.

It was nothing for me to cast a line and pull in a five pound bass or a giant bull catfish. Most of the time we would throw them back in to freedom. When the weekend came and grandma wanted fish, we would load our stringers.

It was a feast! I cleaned many fish with grandma and grandpa. She made homemade hush puppies.

How could I forget fishing with grandma. When she fished she glowed.
