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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stuffed Meatballs Recipe


Very delicious!

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Stuffed Meatballs Recipe - (Main Dishes, Beef)

Quote For The Day:

"Cooking is not about convenience and it's not about shortcuts. Our hunger for the twenty-minute gourmet meal, for one-pot ease and prewashed, precut ingredients has severed our lifeline to the satisfactions of cooking. Take your time. Take a long time. Move slowly and deliberately and with great attention." - Thomas Keller

Food For Thought:

Would you try this?

With the warmer weather I had the opportunity to try one of these PICKLE-ICE FLAVORED FREEZE POPS. I challenge you to give them a try. I love pickles and these freeze pops are designed to hydrate you. I do admit that when I tried this it did cause me to make a sour face. It was uncontrollable. Every bite of this pickle freeze pop made my face contort.

They have an incredible dill flavor. They have electrolytes in them so they help with hydration. They are sugar-free, kosher, and fat-free. They are made in Wisconsin. This particular pickle freeze pop is 2 ounces and with the sour pickle flavor they seem like more than that.

This product is from a small business so if it is important to you to support small businesses you might be interested in them. If you try them please let me know what you think of them. I would love to read your feedback.

If you don't like dill pickle flavor but want to stay hydrated there are different freeze pops you can try. It is important to stay hydrated in the warmer weather. It is only going to get warmer this summer.

Some Questions For You:

  • Do you like pickles? Pickles would be a great side with these Stuffed Meatballs.
  • Have you made Stuffed Meatballs before? If you have a good recipe please share it here.
  • What side dish do you think goes well with Stuffed Meatballs? A salad might be a good choice.
  • Did you see my recipe from yesterday? It is called Strawberry Cake And Frosting Recipe. It will make a good dessert to go with Stuffed Meatballs.

More Information For You:

Meatballs date back to the Roman times. An old cookbook called Cookery and Dinning in Imperial Rome is a 1st century cookbook by Apicius. It features a meatball recipe. Another fact is meatballs were born in ancient Persia. If you would like to learn more interesting facts about meatballs you can visit MUNCHERY and read their post called Meatballs for All: This Ancient Food is Still a Home-Cooked Hit.

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My Thoughts On Stuffed Meatballs:

I love the texture and taste of stuffed meatballs. The onions, celery, and spices that are in the seasoned croutons taste nice. The finished recipe is worth the time because of the flavor these stuffed meatballs provide. The baked sauce mingles nice with the meatball stuffing. You are sure to get compliments from whoever tastes your creation. Bread is a choice for me when eating stuffed meatballs. A nice butter and garlic bread tastes delicious. The first time I had stuffed meatballs was as a child and I have loved them from that time.

Stuffed Meatballs Recipe - (Main Dishes, Beef) 6 servings


  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1 cup seasoned croutons
  • 1/4 cup onion (chopped)
  • 1/4 cup celery (chopped)
  • 1 pound ground beef (lean)
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk
  • 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup (10 3/4 ounces undiluted)
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon catsup
  • 1/2 cup milk


Heat the water and butter until the butter melts. Add the croutons, onion, and celery. Mix the ingredients gently. Combine the ground beef, egg, and evaporated milk; mix well. Divide the mixture into 6 patties. Flatten each patty on waxed paper. Top each patty with 1/4 cup crouton mix. Form them into large meatballs around the crouton mix. and place in a large baking dish. Mix the soup, Worcestershire sauce, catsup, and 1/2 cup milk in a medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until bubbly. Pour sauce over meatballs. Bake the stuffed meatballs at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Keep on cooking!
-The Recipe Guy

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