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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Personal Pizzas Quick Recipe

Personal Pizza Palooza

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Personal Pizzas Quick Recipe - (Below)

This recipe idea is great for college students who don't want to go out, teenagers at home learning to cook, or just for anyone wanting a quick, easy pizza recipe.

In this post, I share a mosquito repellant tip that may help you during this outdoor season. If you eat our personal pizzas outside this could help. Read on.

This personal pizza recipe is a delicious and satisfying way to enjoy a homemade pizza without having to make a whole pie. The pizza is made with a thin and crispy crust that is topped with a flavorful blend of ground pork, onions, pizza sauce, and mozzarella cheese.

Quote For The Day:

"It doesn't even matter if I don't win a self-gold - after every meet, I have pizza. Pepperoni pizza." - Simone Biles

Food For Thought:

Photo Credit: Gardening Secrets (Facebook)

I found this outdoor tip by Gardening Secrets and thought it would be something to share if you have an issue with mosquitos. I shared the link to their Facebook page with the picture here. I will share the instructions for this project. I hope it helps if you need it.

Here are their instructions:


There was some discussion a while back on getting rid of mosquitos. While there's lots of products out there, here's one way to do it, have a stylish yard and keep the costs down too.

All you need is a package of Mason jars, some wicks from Amazon You can use vegetable oil as a carrier and mix in essential oils. There are like 19 of them that repel. Google it. Mix some vanilla extract in it the blood suckers hate vanilla

• Citronella works for some bugs but not so much mosquitoes

Use a hammer and nail to poke a hole in the top of the lid, then pour in the oil, put the top on and drop in the wick. Allow about 10 minutes to soak up some oil, then place them around your backyard and light them!

A Few Questions For You:

  • Have you made personal pizzas before?
  • What are your favorite toppings for personal pizzas?
  • Do you have any tips or recipe ideas for making personal pizzas?
  • Did you see the recipe I shared yesterday? It is called Easy Dessert Dip Recipe.

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My Thoughts On Personal Pizzas:

Personal pizzas are quick and easy. I remember earning personal pizzas when I was a kid in school. The Book It program is still around. Pizza Hut started it 40 years ago. Now I am feeling older.

Personal Pizzas Quick Recipe - (For One)


  • 1 can biscuits
  • 1 jar pizza sauce
  • 1 cup Mozzarella cheese (grated)
  • 1 small onion (chopped)
  • 1 cup ground pork (cooked)


  1. Open 1 can of biscuits.
  2. Flatten each biscuit with the palm of your hand.
  3. Flute the edges of each biscuit.
  4. Top each biscuit with pizza sauce.
  5. Spread cooked pork on top of sauced biscuits.
  6. Sprinkle with chopped onions.
  7. Top with Mozzarella cheese.
  8. Bake in the oven at 325 for 15 minutes on a non-stick baking pan.

*You can replace the toppings of your choice.

Keep on cooking!

-The Recipe Guy

*Amazon Associate links are included in this blog post.

*This content was partially created with the assistance of artificial intelligence.

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