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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Banana Split Pie Recipe

You'll go BANANAS over this pie!

Banana Split Pie Recipe - (Pies & Pastries)


  • 1 pie shell (8-inch, baked)
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 ounce unsweetened chocolate (grated)
  • 1/4 cup walnuts (chopped)


Cream the butter and sugar until it is smooth, adding sugar slowly. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating 3 minutes after each addition. Stir in the vanilla. Slice the bananas and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Reserve 12 slices of banana for garnish. Fold the grated chocolate and remaining bananas into the sugar mixture. Turn the mixture into a cooled pie shell. Garnish the Banana Split Pie with walnuts and banana slices. Refrigerate until 30 minutes before serving time. This is best served the day it is prepared.

Thoughts On Banana Split Pie:

A banana split sundae hits just right sometimes and this Banana Split Pie will do the same. It has that great banana split flavor in a baked pie shell. You can top this pie with whipped cream and a cherry for completeness. Chopped walnuts are in this recipe but you can use any chopped nuts you like. You can take this recipe a step further and add 1 cup of crushed pineapple to the recipe and garnish with sliced strawberries to go with the bananas on top. Drizzle with chocolate sauce and add the cherry.

More Information For You:

The Banana Split was born in 1904 by a young man with an interesting job. Banana Splits are a big part of dessert culture in America. It started on a college campus and spread across the United States to become a popular sundae. Visit Banana Split Fest to learn more facts about the Banana Split.

Some Questions For You:

  • Do you like Banana Split sundae?
  • Have you tried Banana Split Pie?
  • What are your favorite ice cream combinations, and toppings for banana splits?
  • Do you have a memory you would like to share surrounding a banana split?
  • Did you see my recipe from yesterday? It is called Sweet And Sour Spareribs Recipe. If you would like a main dish to have before your Banana Split Pie, this will be a hit.

My Thoughts For Today:

So close, but so far away.

Too bad masking tape does not have autocorrect. This food meme could be a little more funny by drawing a red line under the misspelled "RANTCH" label. At least whoever made the label tried to do their job. Maybe they are hinting they want to go on a rant. I am not sure of the origin of this food meme but it is humorous.

Do you have a funny food picture you would like to share with me? Share your funny food picture or meme with me and I'll link it back to your chosen destination on social media and this blog. You can send me your picture on my social media links page or email me at

Keep on cooking!
-The Recipe Guy

Quote For The Day:

"Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside." - Mark Twain

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