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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Needle In A Haystack No-Bake Cookies Recipe


You'll wanna poke yourself because you won't believe it!

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Needle In A Haystack No-Bake Cookies Recipe - (Cookies)


1 pound White Chocolate
2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter
1 cup broken stick pretzels (or pretzel looking pretzels)
1 cup peanuts (salted)


Break the white chocolate into pieces and melt in a double broiler. After the chocolate is melted, remove it from the heat and throw in: chunky peanut butter, pretzels, and the peanuts. Now stir it good like a crazy person and spread it on 2 sheets of wax paper to dry. After the stuff is dry, break it all into pieces.

Thoughts On Needle In A Haystack No-Bake Cookies:

After you make these cookies it will be like finding a needle in a haystack because everyone will eat them. They will be gone! If you are looking for a quick no-bake cookie recipe to make, this one is it. Just a short time and you will have a batch whipped up and ready to go. You won't be asked how long they took to make because people will be too busy chewing and grabbing more. I just love this recipe and you will too. Remember to save some for yourself!

More Information On These No-Bakes:

It was the time of the Great Depression and bakers needed to bake things with few ingredients because times were hard. The no-bake cookie was born out of good ole "have to" because lack of monies. You can learn more about no-bake cookies at Bite From The Past.

A Few Questions For You:

Do you like no-bake cookies? If you like no-bake cookies, what kind are your favorite? Have you tried these haystack cookies? If you haven't tried them, you get your no-baking stuff out and give this a whirl. You can thank me later! Did you notice my last recipe? If you missed it here it is: It is called Taco Pie Recipe and you better get your napkin ready because you're gonna be on it like a cat on a junebug!

My Ponderings For Today:

Zoe's Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend and my youngest daughter made her famous Chocolate Crinkle Cookies. I know right! Isn't that picture wonderful? Beleive me when I say, the cookie tastes awesome! They literally disappear. I am trying to get my daughter to share her recipe. I am of the firm belief that recipes should be shared. I will never understand keeping recipes secret. Convince me otherwise if you can. Why do people keep recipes secret? Help me.

Keep on cooking!

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