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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Weights And Measures For Cooking Easy Recipes


some of my cooking tools

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Weights And Measures For Cooking Easy Recipes

Standard Abbreviations
(I may not use these in my recipes but if I do this will serve as a useful guide)

t. --- teaspoon
T. --- tablespoon
c. --- cup
f.g. --- few grains
pt. --- pint
qt. --- quart
d.b. --- double boiler
B.P. --- baking powder
oz. --- ounce
lb. --- pound

Guide to Weights and Measures

1 teaspoon = 60 drops
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup
5 1/3 tablespoons = 1/3 cup
8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup
16 tablespoons = 1 cup
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 cup = 1/2 pint
2 cups = 1 pint
4 cups = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
8 quarts = 1 peck
4 pecks = 1 bushel

Substitutions and Equivalents

2 tablespoons of fat = 1 ounce
1 cup of fat = 1/2 pound
1 pound of butter = 2 cups
1 cup of hydrogenated fat plus 1/2 t. salt = 1 cup butter
2 cups sugar = 1 pound
2 1/2 cups packed brown sugar = 1 pound
1 1/3 cups packed brown sugar = 1 pound
3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar = 1 pound
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour = 1 pound
4 1/2 cups sifted cake flour = 1 pound
1 ounce bitter chocolate = 1 square
4 tablespoons cocoa plus 2 teaspoon butter = 1 ounce of bitter chocolate
1 cup egg whites = 8 to 10 whites
1 cup egg yolks = 12 to 14 yolks
16 marshmallows = 1/4 pound
1 tablespoon cornstarch = 2 tablespoons flour for thickening
1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice + 1 cup milk = 1 cup sour milk
10 graham crackers = 1 cup fine crumbs
1 cup whipping cream = 2 cups whipped
1 cup evaporated milk = 3 cups whipped
1 lemon = 3 to 4 tablespoons juice
1 orange = 6 to 8 tablespoons juice
1 cup uncooked rice = 3 to 4 cups cooked rice

Thoughts On Weights And Measures For Cooking

It is essential that you do not confuse "weight" and "volume" when it comes to cooking. I want to share the Guide to Common Cooking Measurements by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Hopefully, this guide will be helpful to you. If you have any comments about these measurements please let me know at the end of this post.

Extra Information For You:

Maybe you have been cooking for a while and you have heard someone use the term "smidgen" or "dollop" when they provide instructions on a recipe. These terms among other cooking terms are very unique. It is almost like a cooking language. I would like to share a great article that explains these terms on these weights and measures. It is by Lapham's Quarterly, and is called How Much Is a Smidgen?

Quick Question To Think About:

Do you have a memory of being in the kitchen with a loved one and they used a cooking term concerning weights and measures? I remember my grandmother cooking and saying "dash" or "pinch" and sometimes she wouldn't use a measuring device except for her hands. This confused me because I am a very analytical person. To me, it made more sense to use a measuring spoon or cup. It seemed to work for her very well and all of us benefited from her tasty cooking. What words do you recall hearing in the kitchen while someone cooked your favorite meal?

Did you miss my last easy recipe? If you did, then you can read it now. It is called Beef Stroganoff Biscuit Casserole where I share a BONUS recipe for BEST CHILI that you just love. Check it out and let me know what you think!

My Personal Thoughts:

Me at Barnes & Noble Bookstore

It has been a very busy week and I intended to share more recipes but just haven't been able to. Friday night my daughter had her friend over to stay the night. I took them to eat Chinese food and then to a local thrift store. I found a couple good T-shirts and some books. I did find an old wood walking cane I plan to refinish and maybe sell. I will share pictures of that later when I get around to working on it.

The girls found a few items at the thrift store and then we went next door to the Aldi grocery store to get snacks for them. After the sacks, we went to the Vintage Stock store so they could shop there. I sat in the car while they looked. The Vintage Stock store is a video game store that also sells posters and movies. I am not into video games that much so it didn't interest me.

Auto Problems:

Before we went into the thrift store I had problems with the side van door opening up. It is automatic and it didn't seem to want to work. No matter how hard I tried or what I did it just didn't work. I had filled up my gas tank at the station and I figured out my gas cap door was not all the way closed. This prevents the sliding door from opening. Once I clicked the gas cap door all the way closed, the sliding door began to work correctly. This happened before but it was so long ago I forgot all about it. The girls had a good time and I got a dad-win taking them out. One thing I learned was that when pumping gas it is very important to make sure the gas cap door is all the way closed before leaving the station.

Ok, I hope I haven't bored you with my dad journeys and making teenage girls have a fun time shopping. I'll be finishing up this post and hopefully, you find the information I shared here helpful. If you have a recipe you would like to share please send it to me. I will give you recipe share credit and link back to your page or social media. Until next time, thanks for reading!

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