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Friday, September 8, 2023

Pumpkin Bread Easy Recipe


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Pumpkin Bread Easy Recipe - (Breads, Rolls)


3 cups sugar
1 cup salad oil
4 eggs
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2/3 cup water
2 cups pumpkin
3 1/2 cup flour
3 teaspoons baking soda
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)


Combine ingredients with an electric mixer. Divide batter into 3 greased bread pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour until done. (Freezes well too.)

Thoughts On Pumpkin Bread:

At the time of this recipe blog post, we are coming to the close of the summer months. It is still warm during the day here in Missouri, but it is nice and cool at night. This pumpkin bread will almost make you think of banana bread when you bite into it, but it has a really nice pumpkin flavor. If you have never had pumpkin bread, you are in for a treat with this recipe. You might never think of pumpkins the same way again after trying it. During the fall time, I always try to get at least one pumpkin for decorating but this recipe makes me want to use it for cooking again. I also like saving the seeds for roasting in the oven. You can add any season you like for that and I may share a recipe I like later on.

Extra Information:

Did you know that pumpkins originated from central America and they began being used for cooking as far back as before the birth of Christ? You can learn more about the history of pumpkins by visiting Classic History. They also share a great recipe as well.

Quick Question:

Have you ever made pumpkin bread? Have you ever eaten pumpkin seeds? I am sure you have been involved in making a jack-o-lantern or just used a pumpkin as outdoor decoration. What are your thoughts on this recipe? If you missed my last recipe I will share it here. It is not a sweet recipe but it is one that will go well with fall weather. It is called Tortilla Soup Easy Recipe and I am sure you will like it if you have not tried it before.

My Thoughts:

I wanted to share a picture of a KitchenAid stand mixer my daughter is wanting to purchase. If you have been reading my posts you will know that she is quite the baker. She mostly focuses on cookies and browning and sells them at the local farmer's market. I haven't been able to get her to several of the last markets because I have had to work on Fridays. The market hours are from 2:30pm to 6:30pm on Fridays. I work a sencon shift job and we start at 3:15pm so when I work that makes it impossible for me to help my daughter get to market. She has been saving her money for a mixer but she is not met her goal yet. She loves the yellow mixer. I think that one is the best too.

I just wanted to say thank you for reading my recipe blog post and to let you know that it helps. If you are interested in helping me to help my daughter reach her goal you can share this post with your friends. It is my goal to share great recipes and entertaining content. I might share trivial information about my life but I am always looking for great people to share with. I am very interested in your comments or opinions. Please feel free to share.

I hope you have a happy Friday and a great weekend. Thank you very much for visiting!

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