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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Texas Matador Casserole Easy Recipe


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Texas Matador Casserole Easy Recipe - (Beef)


1 (10 oz.) pkg. dry egg noodles
2 lb. ground beef
3 tsp. salt
3 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. pepper
1 (16 oz.) can stewed tomatoes
2 (8 oz.) cans tomato sauce
2 cloves minced garlic (can substitute refrigerated jar garlic)
1 small pkg. cream cheese
1 cup sour cream
6 to 8 green onions, chopped
1 cup. Cheddar cheese


Cook noodles in boiling water and drain. Brown ground beef with salt, sugar, and pepper in skillet. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, and garlic. Continue cooking for about 10 minutes over low heat. Add the noodles, sour cream, cream cheese, and green onions. Place in a large casserole dish and cover with grated cheese. Bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees.

Serve with a green salad and French bread.
Serves 10 to 12 people.

My Thoughts:

I mentioned in my last post about my daughter losing her cell phone in the river and you might be happy to know that I bought her a new phone. I know kids these days spend too much time on their phones but my daughter is a great kid. She doesn't sneak out, do drugs, say bad words, smoke, or any other things that would be considered deviant behavior. Now, before you think I completely spoiled my daughter, I also want to add that I am having her pay for the phone herself.

She will more than likely pay for her phone by continuing to sell her baked goods at the Farmer's Market. Hopefully, I get to take her this week on Friday as long as I don't have to work. I usually have Fridays off if I work a 40-hour work week. The new phone I purchased for her is exactly like the old one she had but it is white. It is a used phone and my provider has let me finance it out over time. This works out for me and I am glad to do it. I purchased insurance on the phone should another incident like this happen again the phone will be replaced or fixed easily.

It has been hot here in Missouri and we have been in an excessive heat advisory. Where I work it is very hot and close to 100 degrees inside. Even with big fans blowing on us it still feels like a convection oven and sweating a lot is just a given. My home air conditioner went out and stopped cooling a couple days ago. The fan would still blow but it wouldn't cool. My step-father works for a heating and air company and has been in that business for many years. You might imagine who I called. It got up to almost 90 degrees in the house and we have lots of shade around my home. Two giant pin oak trees. One in the front of the house, and one in the back. The house is also surrounded by trees. It still got very hot in the house. That's how bad this heat advisory has been.

My stepfather did come while I was at work and fixed the unit. He said it was a blown capacitor. He said it is a common problem and they have to change those out like people change their underwear. He has a unique way of talking. He did say that to help prevent the capacitor from going out I could make sure the filter is changed regularly and keep the outdoor unit cleaned by spraying water from a hose into the unit cleaning out dirt and dust.

Since I worked on the second shift, he did all this while I was at work. When I got home the house was cool to normal. It was a very comfortable 72 degrees. Where do you keep your thermostat set?

Thoughts on Texas Matador Casserole

I'm not sure why this recipe is called Matador but I can tell you, if you don't already know, there is a Matador, Texas. Who knows, you might even be living in Matador, Texas while reading this. Matador is a small rural Texas town that is similar to the one I live in Missouri. They may have more horses than we do but I would guess we have as much cattle here in our area. You can learn more about Matador, Texas by reading this page.

Matador Casserole has egg noodles and beef and it is sure to fill you up. It is very creamy and has lots of cheese. I just love pasta and cheese.


Do you know what the most famous food is that comes from Texas? If you guessed Texas Sheet Cake you are right. Texas sheet cake is super easy to make and I will probably share a great recipe here in the future. If you missed my last easy recipe on Chicken Kiev you can read about it here.

Quick Question:

Did you enjoy reading about Texas Matador Casserole? What about my situation with my daughter's cell phone? What is your favorite Texas recipe? I know I usually ask more than one question but I always have more than one to ask you. As always, if you have a recipe or a comment about this one, I would appreciate you for leaving a comment here. Thank you so much for reading and have a great day!

>>See all my recipes here!<<

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