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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Spiced Tea Easy Recipe Mix


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SPICED TEA EASY RECIPE MIX (Appetizers & Beverages)


1 Cup Instant Tea
1 1/4 Cup Tang Orange Drink Mix
1 Package Lemonade Mix (Country Time or Wyler's)
1 Cup Sugar
2 Teaspoons Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Cloves


Mix the ingredients all together. Store in an airtight container. Use about 2 teaspoons of mix to 1 cup of hot water.

My Thoughts:

Growing up, iced tea was always made and available to drink in my house. It was always sweet tea. Unsweet was something we didn't like in the refrigerator. The process of making sweet tea to drink was always the same. I would boil water on the stovetop and then add the tea bags. I would set it for about thirty minutes and then remove the tea bags. I poured the tea into a plastic pitcher that had the desired amount of sugar waiting. Then I would stir it up until the sugar dissolved. Finally, I would add in water until the pitcher was completely full and finish off by giving a good stir.

Do you like to drink hot or cold tea? Do you like your tea sweetened or unsweetened? Do you prefer regular sugar or a sweetener? 

More Information On Tea:

Did you know that tea was introduced to America by the Dutch in 1640? The only other beverage consumed more than tea worldwide is water. I would have thought it would be coffee first but, nope. China consumes most of the tea in the world right now. The United States leads the way for the world when it comes to importing tea. That lets you know that Americans consume a whole lot of tea. I also would have thought that the leading importer of tea might be Great Britain. I know they drink a bunch of tea for sure.

When I drink tea I usually buy the regular black tea you might find at the supermarket. I am not picky about getting name-brand tea. I usually just buy the store's generic tea. I am happy with that. There are tea drinkers with lots of money who drink very expensive tea. The most expensive tea in the world is called Da-Hong Pao-Tea from China. It costs a whopping $1.2 million per kilogram. Now that is some very costly tea and in my opinion, it better taste very good. I would imagine it tastes like regular tea. I am laughing out loud right now because I can't imagine spending that much on tea. The fact remains that it sells for that price.


If you would like to read my post about my daughter baking her famous Chocolate Crinkle Cookies then you can read it in a previous post I created.

Quick Question:

Do you like this easy recipe for spiced tea? If you find it interesting or have a recipe of your own, I would like to hear from you. Please leave a comment on this post and share this recipe with a friend. Thank you so much for reading.

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